Praise & Prayers

Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice! Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon.

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.  -- Philippians 4:4-7


Please join us in fasting and praying for Esther's healing:

*Esther Fast - 3 days (Esther 4:16) (no food and no water)

*Daniel Fast - 10 days (Daniel 1) and 21 days (Daniel 10)

*Gerson Therapy/Diet (very similar to the Daniel diet)


*God has a special plan for Esther because He loves her so much!

*Esther was accepted to St. Jude's Hospital in Memphis, TN.

*Daddy Jim's employers (City Wide Maintenance Solutions and Grunt Style store) are both being flexible and supportive.

*The Desrosiers' extended families, homeschool families, church families, and other friends and families around the country are providing meals, insights, connections, donations, and most importantly - prayers for Esther's complete and total healing!

*Esther's second MRI (Tuesday, May 10, 2022) showed no progression and slightly less swelling.

*Wisdom and discernment as the neuro-oncologist team at St. Jude's presents Mommy and Daddy options for Esther's treatment plan

*Safe and smooth travels on Sunday, May 8 for Daddy, Mommy, Esther, and baby Josiah from Omaha, NE to Memphis, TN

*Baby brother Josiah is allowed to stay on campus after his first birthday.

*Esther has had little to no side effects from radiation treatment.

*Esther has been granted a Wish by Make a Wish.

*Safe travels back home to Omaha, NE and reuniting with family.

*Safe travels for the Desrosiers family to Disney World and back home again!

*Safe travels for Esther and Mommy Julie from Disney World to Washington, DC to Memphis, TN to Washington, DC to Omaha, NE to Washington, DC.

*Esther is being much more like her old self!

**Esther's first follow-up MRI after two sonodynamic therapy treatments (left and right sides) shows 17% reduction in tumor size and the tumor cells look more like normal cell tissue!! (November 2, 2022)

*Esther's second follow-up MRI after both SDT treatments shows 42% reduction in tumor size since diagnosis!! (December 29, 2022)

*Esther returned to Heaven peacefully in her mother's arms at home surrounded by family


*Discernment for choosing a treatment option when Esther's initial treatment at St. Jude's is complete.

*Choosing the best dates for Esther's Make A Wish trip to meet the princesses at Disney World.

*Esther's side effects from radiation will continue to be minimal or absent completely.

*Wisdom for treatment options at St. Jude's and other natural remedies in Omaha, NE

*Safety for Esther as she undergoes procedures and treatments

*Godly spirit and attitudes from all impacted by Esther's diagnosis - remember who the real enemy is (and it's not God).

*Minimal or no side effects for Esther from medications or treatments.

*Safe travels to Florida for Make a Wish trip to Orlando, FL Aug. 7-12th.

*Esther's right side strengthening and getting energy back from after treatments 

*Improved scan results during follow ups week of Aug 22nd

*Acceptance to enroll in the clinical trial in DC

*Inflammation to be reduced in order to start the clinical trial in DC

*MRI on August 24 to show reduced inflammation

*Esther to continue getting stronger and healed completely.

*MRI on December 29 to show continued tumor shrinkage and more normal in appearance...eventually to completely disappear!

*Follow-up appointments at St. Jude Jan. 19-20 to show improvements in Esther's left eye vision and ocular muscle strength.

*Esther changed the world in her short 6 years - it will take longer to get used to the world without her.  Pray for peace and comfort for Esther's family...while Esther is free and more alive than ever, her family is grieving the hole in their family that can never be replaced by another.